
There are already many ways exist to retry logics when exception occurs. For example, you can use framework like @retry with Spring. I just want to make a simple util to retry logic with java 8 like below.


public class RetryUtils {
	private static final int RETRY = 3;
	private static final long DELAY = 1000l;

	public interface RunnableWithException {
		void run() throws Exception;

	public static <V> V retry(Callable<V> callable, Throwable throwable, String message) {
		return retryLogics(callable, throwable, message);

	public static void retry(RunnableWithException runnable, Throwable throwable, String message) {
		retryLogics(() -> {;
			return null;
		}, throwable, message);

	private static <T> T retryLogics(Callable<T> callable, Throwable throwable, String message) {
		int counter = 0;

		while (counter < RETRY) {
			try {
			} catch (Exception e) {
				log.error("retry {} / {}, {}", counter, RETRY, message, e);

				try {
				} catch (InterruptedException e1) {

		throw new RuntimeException(throwable);

The logic can have a return value or not. When the logic has a return value, callable interface is good for it. But when the logic doesn’t have a return value, then runnable can be used. Because retry will be executed when exception occurs, so i declared new interface that throws exception. I want to print the error message at every retry, so i added it to paramter. Also i want to throw the specific exception if all retries also are failed. If you want to control retry count and delay time, then customize it :D

Below is the use case.

Test Case

public class RetryUtilsTest {

	public void testRunnable() throws Exception {
		RetryUtils.retry(() -> System.out.println("hi"), new IOException(), "error occurs");

	@Test(expectedExceptions = Exception.class)
	public void testRunnableWithException() throws Exception {
		RetryUtils.retry(() -> {
			throw new Exception();
		}, new IOException(), "error occurs");

	public void testCallable() throws Exception {
		String result = RetryUtils.retry(() -> "hi", new IOException(), "error occurs");

		List<String> results = RetryUtils.retry(() -> Arrays.asList("hi1", "hi2", "hi3"), new IOException(), "error occurs");
		results.forEach(str -> System.out.println("List : " + str));

	@Test(expectedExceptions = Exception.class)
	public void testCallableException() throws Exception {
		String result = RetryUtils.retry(() -> {
			throw new Exception();
		}, new IOException(), "error occurs");
}'s profile image

2017-01-09 02:00

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